Code of Conduct



William A. Fraser Middle School (WAFMS) Code of Conduct serves as a basis to promoting a safe, caring and orderly school for the purpose of learning. We value diversity and strive for an environment where everyone is equal in dignity and rights and free from all forms of discrimination including gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation regardless of time and place as stated in the BC human Rights Code.


All WAFMS students are ambassadors and positive role models of the school while at school. This includes coming to school in the morning, breaks, lunchtime, going home after school , attending any and all school functions including, field trips, team events and games as a participant or as a spectator. Students are also expected to demonstrate high standards of work habits, arriving to school and class on time, with the necessary supplies and materials, as well as completing all school assignments to the best of their ability.


  • Treat other individuals with dignity and respect
  • Arrive at school on time and be ready to learn
  • Wear appropriate clothing at all times and follow the school’s dress code
  • Be honest and forthright
  • Respect property, the surrounding community and the environment
  • Inform an adult of any known bullying intimidation or harassment


  • Any conduct that negatively impacts the safety and security of the learning environment (Special consideration may apply to students with special needs who are unable to comply to expectations due to a having a disability)
  • Any Acts of bullying, cyber bullying, harassment, discrimination, intimidation or physical violence ( BC Human Rights Code)
  • Any acts retribution against a person who has reported something to an adult
  • Possession of banned substances and items which could include alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, replica weapons, fireworks, lighters and laser pens
  • Any discrimination which may be in the form of electronic, web-based, printed, and/or oral based statements which negatively target a specific person or group based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or age (BC Human Rights Code)


William A. Fraser Middle School’s Student Dress Policy supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes and that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity,      religion, cultural observance, or body type.

The intent of a dress policy is to set expectations to assist students, staff, and parents in decision-making with respect to clothing. It is not intended to be prescriptive nor punitive, but to provide a level of clarity so that correction or discipline is not required.

The dress policy is intended to incorporate individual preferences for students and their families to dress in the manner they choose. Individual choice is, however, tempered by a responsibility to recognize that a school is a learning and working environment, and as such, students are expected to dress in a reasonable manner.

Clothing should be comfortable and allow a student to participate safely in activities such as physical education, explorations, and science experiments. Clothing should demonstrate a respect for the school community.

Articles of clothing that promote alcohol or drugs, that display offensive language or images, or that encourage

sexism, racism or bigotry are not acceptable in our school. Clothing bearing direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to gang culture, sex or pornography, weapons or violence will not be permitted.

The following are the guidelines for school attire:

  1. Clothing and accessories cannot pose a safety concern or conceal one’s identity.

  2. Specific attire may be required for a variety of classrooms settings such as Explorations, PE, labs, etc.

  3. Clothing must cover undergarments.

When there are differences in perspective, all involved have a duty to seek common understanding in a mutually respectful manner. Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress policy when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely.

Abbotsford School District AP 318 – Student Dress Code and School Uniforms


The teachers at WAFMS feel that the development of self-discipline in our students is very important. The aim of consequences for misbehavior is for students to learn from the experience. Consequences for behavior that does not meet expectations will be logical, realistic, and consistent. Each case of misbehavior will be dealt with on an individual basis. These consequences may range from a discussion, or an office referral, to a suspension from school. Continued misbehavior will be dealt with through a progressive discipline plan where inappropriate behaviors will receive increasing consequences.


Depending on the nature of offense, the school administrators may have a responsibility to advise the following:

  • parents of the offender and victims
  • School District officials, as required by Abbotsford School District policy
  • the police and/or any other agencies, as required by law
  • all parents when it is deemed important to reassure the entire school community