Fraser Middle Band Program
Fraser Middle Concert Band Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is expected of my child in Concert Band?
- Please take a moment to review the 2024 Concert Band Expectations with your child to ensure they are prepared for the performances throughout the year.
- Students will need to have an instrument to bring back and forth from home to practice their pieces. King’s Music is a local company that provides a wide variety of instrument rentals at a low cost.
What is band class? Does my child need to know how to play/read music to join band?
- Band class is an optional class that students can take at Fraser Middle.
- Students choose the instrument that they will learn how to play from the Concert Band family which includes: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba, Elec. Bass & Percussion
- Many students who join band have never seen a musical note or played an instrument before.
**Please wait until September to rent an instrument as this will be discussed with Ms. Holland**
Does my child need to take private music lessons?
- Band class is a teacher-directed group lesson. There are usually 60 students in Grade 6 band class.
- Private music lessons are not required, however, some students find the additional one-on-one support helpful.
Are there any fees or costs associated with band class at Fraser Middle?
- There is a fee of $30 for Band which helps cover the costs of the Band book, sheet music and Band T-shirt
- Students are expected to acquire their own instruments.
- King’s Music is a local company that provides a wide variety of instrument rentals at a low cost.
- For full information, visit kingsmusic.ca or review the 2024/2025 Instrument Rental Form.
- Make sure to watch the Intro To Band video - this will help make the decision of what instrument you would like to play.
Are there other music performance groups?
- Jazz Band - for experienced players and consists of Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Piano, Bass, Guitar and Drums and rehearses Thursday mornings at 7:15-8:15 am and begins the 3rd week of September.
When do band classes take place and what are Band PODs?
- Students who sign-up for band are organized into class groups of approx. 15 students.
- Each band class group is combined with other students (not in band) and form 2 band PODs (60 band students)
- Every other day, band students leave their regular classroom to attend band class in the music room.
- The regular classroom will engage in alternate learning activities during band.
Please contact Ms. Holland with any questions.