School Fees & Supplies
The Student Activity Fee of $30 for the school year 2024-25, it's required by all students to cover costs of guest speakers, student cards, school events, student recognition, student leadership, planners, lock and locker rental. There is an additional Band fee of $25.00 (Yamaha Band Book) for students enrolled in Band only. Students may also order the 2024-25 Yearbook for $40.00 along with payment of school fees.
*Students who lose their locks will be charged a $10.00 replacement fee.
*Students are responsible for all textbooks assigned to them or library books they sign out during the school year. At the end of the school year, textbooks and library books must be returned in good condition or the student may be asked to pay for the cost of replacing the materials.
*Any damage/vandalism done, to the school or items owned by the school, by a student are subject to any costs related to fixing the damage. Parent/guardians will be invoiced accordingly by the School District’s maintenance department.
School Cash Online
Fraser Middle is a CASH-FREE SCHOOL.
All fees must be paid online at abbotsford.schoolcashonline.com. Please take a moment to sign up for a schoolcashonline account. Student activity fees, athletic fees, club fees, yearbook, field trips, and canteen cards can all be paid by the click of a button. There are many advantages to using School Cash Online. The system is safe, quick and efficient, you can make multiple payments, check your child's account online, and print off any receipts you may need. Cash from students will not be accepted by teachers or office staff. If you need to pay with cash, it must be paid in-person in the office.
School Supplies
Attached below is the basic supply list required for all students. Once students meet with their teachers, additional supplies may be requested. Students will only need a pencil on the first day.
- W.A. Fraser Middle School is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school. Please view our BYOD information page for more information.
- Student agendas/planners are pre-purchased for all students at Fraser Middle (please do not supply your own agenda)
- Physical & Health Education (PHE) change of clothing is required and (optional) Fraser Falcon wear will be available for purchase on school cash.